
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mahi Tahi

Mahi tahi is when 3 seniors class all go to Mahi Tahi. Today we gad to get a blindfold because they had to eat food and the was not nice because you had to eat baking soda and the next food was mustard and we had to swap the blindfold because it was the next people and i had to eat coco powder and we  had to swap the blindfold we had to eat the food but the 11 one was not as noise as the other ones the end.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Buckingham Palace

Image result for buckingham'
The Bucking palace is where the queen live in England and the queen is 93 year old when she was born in 1926  her name was a Elizabeth the second she became queen when she was 93 years old and the Buckingham place had lots of good history of the queens family and prince Andrew and Charles is the queens sons she loved them until they got rich then went to get famous there self and remember her for what she as done for them.

Image result for the queenImage result for the queen