
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Chapter 1 wrinkle in time

Explain what happened in chapter one:

Meg heard her family's big black dog Fortinbras barking downstairs and she begins to get worry that a stranger may be skulking around the house. She suspects the tramp, who according to local gossip recently stole twelve bed-sheets from the constable's wife Mrs. Buncombe. As the story open, Meg is worried about the weather. That night there was a big storm. Meg slept in the attic of the house, which meant she was scared by all the noises the storm was making.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Bridge to teriabithia chapter 10

 Summary. Jess is out milking miss Bessie the next morning when may Belle come out  to tell him he has a phone call. when he takes it, it is miss Edmund she is going to washington for the day to see the national gallery and wants to know if he come with he.

bridge to teriabithia chapter 8-9

All march it was raining for the first time in years the river  was so high up. but the puppy was growing to fast that he might beak the zip and fall into the river. 

On Easter Monday the rain started again. Thing were slowly taking free week  away.